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Beware Of All Hedonists

Beware of all hedonists ~ The foundation of God's word for the theme of our meditation is taken from the Gospel of Luke. Thus says the Lord: “This is how it is with anyone who lays up treasures for himself; unless he is rich toward God” – Luke  12:21.

 Also, read this: When You Make A Mistake

David Mota, better known as Mota JR, is a Portuguese rapper known for his extravagant (and hedonistic) lifestyle. Mota often posts photos of himself with piles of money and gold on his Instagram account.


Tragically, Mota is kidnapped, robbed, and killed. In fact, Mota is not that rich and still lives with his parents. It’s a shame that Mota’s actions cost lives.

 Read more about this: Sharpen Each Other For Good

In the Bible, the Lord Jesus told a parable about the rich and the stupid. Why are you stupid? Not that he was rich or struggled to be rich. But he is stupid because his life is only focused on wealth, he is never satisfied with wealth, and he no longer cares about other people.


This is illustrated by his concepts and actions regarding wealth.

The Bible tells us that he had plans to rebuild the barn, store the produce of the earth, and say to his soul, “Rest, eat, drink, and be merry!” This shows that his life is only a matter of the stomach and does not aim for immortality.

 Also, read this: Making A Covenant With God

That is why the Lord Jesus called him a rich fool. The parable ends with him dying and being unable to enjoy his wealth. Ironically, if life is only based on wealth, it becomes meaningless.


Do many Christians share the same outlook on life? His life focuses only on worldly affairs; eternal issues are underestimated and ignored simply by celebrating 1.5 hours of worship once a week. Beware when a Christian is busy with work but very relaxed spiritually.

Stay busy, keep the spirit, and always put the Lord Jesus first. May the Lord Jesus bless our lives, families, work, and ministry. Amen...


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