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Sinsere Advice

Sincere Advice: The basis of God’s Word regarding the subject of our meditation is quoted from the Apostle Paul’s letter to the congregation in Thessalonica. Thus the Word of God says, “For our plans are not perverted, not with unclean intentions, not with deceit” (1 Thessalonians 2:3).

 Also, read this: Use Positive Phrases

We live in an age where advice is everywhere, including information from online media that you can read anytime on your device. However, you can't trust all of the above suggestions, even if they look good.


Sometimes there is even advice that is different from the truth of God's Word, and following it tends to have a negative impact. For example, a couple disagrees with their in-laws and decides to divorce, following their parents' advice to divorce their wife.

 Also, read this: Rebuke As A Form Of Love

Today’s Word of God contains two pieces of advice. First, it is not born from error but from truth through the knowledge of God. Second, it is completely pure and without any deception. This means that advice is given for the benefit of the person receiving it and not for the benefit of the adviser.


Finding someone who can give you such quality advice is difficult. But as you get to know other people, you will gradually get better at deciding which advice to accept and which to ignore.

 Also, read this: Learn To Praise

Speaking of bad advice, if you're not careful, you might end up giving other people wrong or bad advice and become the culprit. Therefore, we must always seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit so that the advice we give is true and given with a sincere intention to help others.


Have a nice day. Stay healthy and always rely on the Lord Jesus. May the Lord Jesus bless our lives, our families, our work, and our ministry. Amen...


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