
Learn To Praise

Learn to Praise ~ The basis of God’s Word, which is the subject of our meditation, is taken from the Book of Joshua. This is what God said, “You have done all that Moses, the servant of God, commanded, and you have kept my word in all that I commanded you” – Joshua 22:2.

 Also, read this: Beware Of All Hedonists

Have you ever received a compliment after providing good service? How did you feel? On the other hand, have you ever expressed genuine admiration for the service of others?


Reuben, the tribe of Gad, and half of the tribe of Manasseh received their inheritance first before crossing the Jordan on the condition that their people cross over and fight the Canaanites. They made a promise to Moses, but under Joshua's leadership, they remained faithful.
After all the tribes of Israel received their inheritance, Joshua gathered them together. Joshua praises their loyalty, unity, and obedience to Moses and Joshua, and of course to God himself (verse 3).

 Also, read this: When You Make A Mistake

Joshua then allowed them to cross the Jordan and return to their ancestral land, with the message that they would remain faithful to God. Joshua blessed them and let them go. A moment full of emotion and happiness.


Complimenting someone's actions is a form of appreciation that their actions have a positive impact not only on you but also on others. Many people sincerely serve God.
They did not expect admiration from people. But a genuine compliment definitely cheers them up and encourages them to keep doing their best. Continue to learn to appreciate and admire the services of others sincerely.

 Read more about this: Sharpen Each Other For Good

Always be diligent, always put the Lord Jesus first, and enjoy your work. May the Lord Jesus bless our lives, our families, our work, and our ministry. Amen…


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