
The Effect Of Encounter With God

The Effect of Encounter with God: The basis of God’s word for our meditation subject is in Exodus. The Lord said, “When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, there were two tablets of the law of God in his hands” (Exodus 34:29).

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A personal encounter with God always results in a spiritual change. The Bible provides many examples of people meeting God and experiencing spiritual change.

We see this change in Zacchaeus, the chief tax collector; in Saul, who persecuted the Lord's disciples; in the woman caught in adultery; and in many others. Interestingly, they are not limited to mental changes but also appear in behavioural changes in everyday life.


Moses also went through this stage. Moses met God face-to-face for 40 days on Mount Sinai. During this time, he also fasted. God's glory shone on his face as a result of that encounter. But that's not all. The daily behaviour of Moses was changed by God.

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Once known for his humility and cowardice, he now has great courage to bring God's covenant and law to the Israelites and force them to obey them. If earlier Aaron had acted as his spokesman, now Moses himself is the intermediary between God and His people.


There are many ways God meets His people. Everyone's experience of encountering God is different, but the impact of the change must be the same. This means that the glory of God shines through man and is visible to others. This meeting changed his spirituality, which was reflected in his way of life. Those who meet the Lord need to let His glory shine.

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Have a nice day. Stay healthy and always rely on the Lord Jesus. May the Lord Jesus bless our lives, our families, our work, and our ministry. Amen


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