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Apart From Jesus, We Cannot

Apart from Jesus, we cannot – The basis of God’s word for the subject of our meditation is taken from the Gospel of John. So God said, “I am the vine, and you are the branches. Whoever abides in Me and I in him will bear much fruit, for without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).

 Also, read this: Don't Be Fooled By The Devil

The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated the entire world. All levels of society are affected. We often see or read news about people who have lost their jobs due to layoffs.


Not to mention the news of people who have lost loved ones due to this pandemic. 2020 was completely unexpected. I’m just reminding you again.

 Also, read this: Finding Positive Things Behind Pressure

This part of God’s word reminds us to stay in Jesus Christ because, apart from Him, no one can do anything to help us. What does it mean to stay? means we live and still believe in Him and stay connected to Him as Lord and Allah.
As a logical consequence, all of life’s problems can lead us to a sceptical position in our faith in Jesus Christ if we don’t continually believe in Him and connect with Him.

The question is, if you keep believing in Him, will this pandemic ever end? Of course, this is not meant to be. But our part as believers is to discipline ourselves to make Jesus our priority and continue to depend on Him day by day.

All of that trains our faith muscles to wait more and more for the promises of His word. And of course, the fruit of our faith can be seen in our lives day by day.

 Also, read this: Do It Consistently

Happy working, keep the spirit; and always put the Lord Jesus first. May the Lord Jesus bless our lives, our families, our work, and our ministry. Amen...


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