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Finding Positive Things Behind Pressure

Finding Positive Things Behind Pressure: The basis of God’s Word on the subject of our meditation is taken from the Book of Psalms. Thus says the Lord, “It is good that I suffer to learn Your commandments” (Psalm 119:71).

 Also, read this: Do It Consistently

John Willard Marriott (born September 17, 1900; died August 13, 1985) was a prominent American businessman and entrepreneur. He is the founder of Marriott International, the holding company for the world's largest hotel and hospitality chain.


JW Marriott’s famous adage goes something like this: The stronger the wind, the stronger the trees. That is, wood only shows its goodness when it is resistant to the wind that blows in. It’s been through the process, and it's been tested!
Pressure, oppression, problems, difficulties, suffering, and so on are some of the processes that God sometimes allows us to go through. Faced with this process, most of us will complain, become angry or disappointed, give up, protest, blame others, blame circumstances, or even blame God. Whether we realize it or not, this is all part of how God rebukes us, trains us in faith, and moulds us into quality human beings.
But in reality, it’s up to each individual to perceive it. In fact, on the positive side, the pressures that exist make us more aware of our limitations and shortcomings, encouraging us to earnestly seek God, believe in Him, and hope only in Him.

 Also, read this: Don't Get Stuck In The Past

We who used to get out of God’s way are now starting to learn to obey God’s will completely. The psalmist has such life experience. “Formerly I was lost, but now I keep my promise” (Psalm 119:67). In other words, God always has a purpose He wants to communicate, even through unpleasant and very painful situations. Then we will no longer live in sin after sin, and we will become increasingly aware that we are farther away from God and can live as we, please. The pressures of life will make us stronger and more pleasing to God.


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